Terms of Use for Liberty Technology

1. Introduction

1.1 Welcome to the Liberty Technology Website (the “Website”).

1.2 Through the Website, you can access various resources and content, including web pages, data, messages, text, images, audio, video, forums, and other services (“Content”).

1.3. By accessing and/or using the Website or submitting material, you agree to be bound by these Terms of Use. If you disagree, do not use the Website.

1.4 Our Website uses cookies; by using it, you consent to our use of cookies under our Privacy and Cookies Policies.

2. Copyright and trademark notice

2.1 We, with our licensors, own and control all copyright, trademarks, and intellectual property rights on the Website and Content.

2.2 The names, logos, and trademarks of Liberty Technology may not be used without our prior written permission.

2.3 You do not acquire ownership rights by downloading copyrighted material.

3. Terms of use, privacy policy, and cookies policy

3.1 Privacy and Cookies Policies

Our Privacy Policy and Cookies Policy delineate our commitment to respecting your privacy and how we utilize data gathered by the Website. Please refer to our Privacy Policy and Cookies Policy for further detailed information.

3.2 Revision of terms of use

Liberty Technology reserves the right to modify these Terms of Use without notice. The updated Terms of Use become effective upon being posted/published on the Website. If you disagree with the revised Terms of Use and choose not to accept them, you must cease using our Website.

3.3 Global access and processing of personal information

You recognize and agree that any personal information collected on our Website may be accessed, processed, and stored globally, adhering to Liberty Technology’ Privacy Policy.

3.4 Acknowledgment of data processing

You acknowledge, comprehend, and accept that we collect, use, process, possess, and store your data and information. Furthermore, when necessary, we may share such data with third-party service providers for the purposes outlined in our Privacy Policy and Cookies Policies, complying with applicable law.

4. License for Website Usage

4.1 Permissible actions

Subject to adherence to these Terms of Use:

  • View pages from our Website in a web browser;
  • Print pages from our Website;
  • Download pages from our Website;
  • Stream audio and video files from our Website;

4.2 Restrictions

Except as expressly allowed by section 4.1 or other provisions within the Terms of Use, downloading any material and/or Content from our Website or saving such material and/or Content to your computer is strictly prohibited.

4.3 Intended use

Our Website is solely for your personal, informational, and/or non-commercial purposes, and any other usage is prohibited.

4.4 Editing prohibition

Except as expressly permitted by the Terms of Use, you must not edit or otherwise alter or modify any material, information, and/or Content or any other item on our Website.

4.5 Limitations on Material Usage

Unless you own or control relevant rights in the material and/or Content, you must not:

  • Republish any material and/or Content;
  • Sell, rent, license, or sub-license any material and/or Content;
  • Publicly screen any material and/or Content;
  • Use or exploit any material and/or Content for a commercial purpose; or
  • Share any material and/or Content for any purpose.

4.6 Exception for redistribution

Notwithstanding the provisions of section 4.5, you may redistribute our newsletters, articles, or case studies from our Website, in print and electronic form, solely to individuals intended for such purposes.

4.7 Access Restrictions

We reserve the right to restrict access to certain sections/parts of our Website or our entire Website at our discretion. Under this section, you must not circumvent, evade, or attempt to circumvent or evade, any restriction of access measures on our Website.

5. Acceptable Usage

5.1 Prohibited actions

You are strictly prohibited from:

5.1.1. Using our Website or Content in any manner or taking any action that causes, or may cause, damage or impairment of the performance, availability, visibility, or accessibility of the Website or the Content;

5.1.2. Using our Website or Content in any way that is unlawful, illegal, fraudulent, or harmful, or in connection with any unlawful, illegal, fraudulent, or harmful purpose or activity;

5.1.3. Using our Website to copy, store, host, transmit, send, use, publish, or distribute any material that consists of (or is linked to) any spyware, computer virus, Trojan horse, worm, keystroke logger, rootkit, or other malicious computer software;

5.1.4. Conducting any systematic or automated data collection activities (including, but not limited to, scraping, data mining, extraction, and data harvesting) on or about our Website without our clear and express written consent;

5.1.5. Utilizing any robot, spider, or other automated methods to access or engage with our Website;

5.1.6. Using data collected from our Website for any direct marketing activity (including, but not limited to, email marketing, SMS marketing, telemarketing, and direct mailing);

5.1.7. Using our Website or Content in any way that is false or misleading;

5.1.8. Using our Website or Content in a manner or taking any action that is defamatory, degrading, or derogatory towards another;

5.1.9. Using our Website in any way or taking any action that violates or disrespects another person’s privacy or includes copies of another person’s confidential, sensitive, or personal data.

5.2 Contact restriction

You must refrain from using data collected from our Website to contact individuals, companies, or other persons or entities.

5.3 Information Accuracy

Ensure that all information you provide us through or about our Website is true, accurate, current, complete, and non-misleading.

6. User Information on the Website

6.1 Job Application Submission

When submitting a job application to Liberty Technology through our Website, you must ensure that the information you provide, including your full name, email address, phone number, cover letter, and curriculum vitae, is accurate, current, and truthful.

6.2 Inquiry Submission via Request Information Section

For inquiries submitted through the Request Information section on our Website, you are responsible for ensuring that the information you provide, including your full name, email address, phone number, and location, is accurate, current, and trustworthy.

6.3 Privacy Policy Guidelines

Our Privacy Policy comprehensively outlines how we will uphold your privacy and manage the processing of your data collected through our Website (as specified in Sections 6.1 and 6.2 above).

 Please carefully review our Privacy Policy before submitting applications or inquiries through our Website.

7. Limited Warranties and Termination of Use

7.1 Disclaimer of Warranties

To the extent permitted by applicable law, we do not guarantee or affirm:

  • The completeness, reliability, or accuracy of information published on our Website.
  • The currency of material or Content on the Website.
  • The Website and its services are available all the time.
  • The active monitoring or screening of shared or submitted Content on the Website, although we retain the right to review, monitor, and remove or withhold Content at our discretion.
  • That the Website or its Content will meet your specific requirements.
  • Uninterrupted, timely, secure, or error-free access to the Website.
  • The quality of information or Content obtained through the Website will meet your expectations.

7.2 Discretionary Rights

At our sole discretion and without prior notice, we reserve the right to:

  • Discontinue or modify any or all Website Services.
  • Cease publishing of the Website.
  • Discontinue, limit access to, or modify the Website.
  • Stop publishing any material or Content on the Website.

7.3 Compensation Exclusion

Unless expressly provided otherwise in these Terms of Use, you are not entitled to compensation or other payment upon discontinuing or altering any Website Services or if we cease publishing the Website.

7.4 Warranty Exclusion

To the maximum extent allowed by applicable law, we disclaim all representations and warranties related to the Terms of Use, our Website, and its use.

 We expressly disavow all warranties, whether express or implied, including implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement concerning the Website and all Content provided on or through it.

7.5 Termination Rights

At our sole discretion, we may terminate or limit your access to the Website if we determine that you have violated the copyrights of a third party.

7.6 Confidential Content Removal

We may remove confidential and/or proprietary content to a third party without the third party’s permission.

7.7 “As Is” Provision

Unless expressly provided otherwise, the Website and all Content provided on or through it are offered on an “as is” and “as available” basis.

8.  Breach of Terms and Indemnity

8.1 Actions on Breach

If you breach these Terms or if we suspect such a breach, we may:

  • Issue formal warnings.
  • Temporarily suspend your website access.
  • Permanently prohibit access.
  • Block devices from using your IP address.
  • Contact your internet service providers to block access.
  • Commence legal action for breach of contract, at our discretion.

8.2 Compliance with Suspension

If we suspend your access, you must not attempt to circumvent it.

8.3 Indemnity Agreement

You confirm and agree to indemnify Liberty Technology against claims, liabilities, damages, losses, or expenses, including legal fees. This pertains to content you provide, violations of these Terms, additional rules, or infringement of third-party rights, including intellectual property rights.

9. Third-Party Rights

9.1 Agreement Scope

This agreement benefits both parties and is not intended for enforcement by third parties.

9.2 Independent Contractual Rights

The exercise of our and your rights is not contingent on third-party consent.

9.3 External Links and Services

The Website includes links to third-party sites and their content, products, and services.

9.4 User Responsibility

We disclaim responsibility for third-party content or changes to external sites. Users assume all risks of accessing or using these external websites and their content, products, and services.

10. Contact Information

Feel free to reach out through the following channels:

  • Postal Address: Use the given address and those listed on the website.
  • Online Form: Use the Request Information section on our Website.
  • Telephone: Dial is the contact number published on our website.
  • Email: Send an email to the address provided on our Website.


Effective as of 15/01/2024